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New Year, New Glow: Your 2021 Beauty Horoscope Is Here


To say that last year wasn’t so bad would be like saying you should grab your kitchen shears and trim your bangs. While 2021 isn’t going to reach the dumpster fire levels of 2020, there’s going to be a lot to sort through in its aftermath. In fact, the year ahead might feel a lot like growing out your bangs—awkward, uncomfortable, but part of the healing process. But as always, the universe has your back. To get the cosmic take on the year ahead, we tapped astrology duo Kelli Jenkins and Haley Trussell of Spellsisters Tarot to help you make sense of the big astrological moments to come and what they’ll mean for your sign (and your makeup bag) with a 2021 beauty horoscope. Hold on tight, Ipsters—2021 is going to be another wild ride.

About the Expert:

Spellsisters is a pair of intuitive, cosmic-loving pals Kelli Jenkins and Hayley Trussell that provide an honest-yet-approachable take on all things astrology and tarot.


Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. 

2020 took its final bow with possibly the biggest astrological event of our lifetime: The Grand Conjunction on December 21st. The planets Saturn (the task-master) and Jupiter (the expansionist) lined up, forming a conjunction, which created...tension. Coooool. While planetary conjunctions take place every 20 years, this particular Saturn-Jupiter flavored movement last took place in 1623. Together, they entered Aquarius—officially marking the transition into a 2,100 year period in the Age of Aquarius. According to the Spellsisters, this massive shift is going to continue to bring us unforeseen challenges, but also incredible growth.

So, what does this mean for your beauty and skin regimen? Chances are you went many a day in the last year without an ounce of makeup, making way for a robust skincare routine—and that’s likely to continue for the first half of 2021. “Gone are the days where our makeup needs to last from dawn until dusk. Priorities have shifted, making less makeup coverage, lighter weight options, and shorter term wear ideal,” the Spellsisters say. Transitional growth, even in the beauty realm, is awesome. Learning to love and appreciate your skin and natural features through a less-is-more approach will pave the way for a deeper connection to yourself, with or without makeup.

Then, It’s Time To Heat Things Up

“Throughout late June and July, Venus and Mars will be in Leo. Get ready for The Drama™ to be ever-present, especially through July,” the Spellsisters advise. Sun-loving Leo will set the stage for super-charged summer romances and much needed ego boosts. TBH after a year of solitude and a fully exhausted Netflix queue, a little ~spiciness~ doesn’t sound so bad. Enjoy it, because come September we could be face to face with our past—but this time, we’ll be happy to rip that Band-Aid off, deal with the unresolved issues, and move forward. Your fire will be lit and ready to shine.

“Mid-to-late year, we’ll be universally drawn to bright, bold lips, colorful and intricate eye makeup, false lashes, and challenging techniques,” the Spellsisters predict. All of that liquid liner practice that was only appreciated through Zoom, or your cat, will finally be put to good use. If you’re wanting to be seen, the world will be watching.


Now that we know what to expect, let’s get into the juicy details. The Spellsisters have a sign-by-sign horoscope breakdown to help you answer the important questions in life, like: Will I start that side-hustle? What if I tried purple eyeshadow? Should I shake up my skincare routine? Plus, to kickstart your year, we’ve got made-for-you resolutions with a few products we’re obsessed with to match.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

“This month you’re feeling even more activated than usual to speak your mind and let yourself be both seen and heard. You’re always fierce and that comes as no surprise, but your wits are especially sharp this year, and you’re going to be the champion of the underdog. Surprise! The new superhero is you. You have two new moons in your sign early this year, which will bring opportunities for you to set life-changing intentions. If you’re thinking of a big move or career change, this could be your year if you take the appropriate inspired action.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Show off your inner fire on the outside.

PÜR Mini Fully Charged Mascara

Bold lashes for a bold fire sign. This futuristic Fully Charged Mascara Mini from PÜR contains a "magnetic" polymer matrix that wraps a positively charged elastic veil around your lashes to lengthen, lift, and nourish with every swipe. For maximum effect (because you know you love it), curl your lashes first and apply a double coat.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

“You’re accustomed to hard work, but this is a year where you’ll start to see your efforts really pay off. It’s like a lifetime of effort suddenly has crystal clear meaning this year. Clear eyes, full heart, soft skin. You’re determined to switch up some of your personal routines to see positive shifts in your health and finances. It’ll be a year of continuing to put forth effort so that you can see progress in your long term goals. I know, I know: great, more work. The good news is that you really have the ability to make so much progress on your long term goals this year.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Make a habit for healthy skin—and don’t skip the sunscreen!

KATE SOMERVILLE® Goat Milk Moisturizing Cream

Taurus is no stranger to creature comforts, so opt for an indulgent, healing moisturizer. The KATE SOMERVILLE® Goat Milk Moisturizing Cream will nurture and soothe your skin (with polypeptides, goat milk, and natural milk proteins) into a state of bliss.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

“Money, work, and your career is the major theme for you this year, with the potential for major windfalls coming to you by way of promotions, gifts, chance, etc., especially during your season this year. Venus will influence you pretty heavily this year, providing abundant opportunities for you to improve your life both financially and in love. Mid-year, the stars will align perfectly for you to meet someone who could potentially change your life, be it a love interest or just a soul mate best friend. You’ll be celebrated for your wild ideas and your individuality will set you apart this year. Go for it, and don’t fear standing out.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Be the trendsetter you are and go bold with makeup.

SUGAR COSMETICS Matte As Hell Lip Crayon in Stephanie Plum

If your question was, can I pull it off? The answer is undoubtedly yes. SUGAR COSMETICS Matte as Hell Lip Crayon in Stephanie Plum gives you the pigment payoff you demand with an ultra-wearable plummy-mauve shade that will inspire others to go bold.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

“It’s best to simply lean into the changes the universe is testing you with. While we’re all universally being tested, your tender heart is raw, and you’re just tired. It’s not as if something will come along to cause a major upset in your life, but you can expect delays in the progress of reaching your goals. Saturn is hanging out in your sign this year, emphasizing leadership and personal power for you this year. This could give your 2021 a more serious vibe, and it’s likely that your main goal this year will be to fulfill your duty and obligations, putting your personal plans on the backburner.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Love yourself with or without makeup—you’re gorge both ways.

GOLDFADEN MD Bright Eyes Dark Circle Radiance Concentrate

Sometimes, you just need a little pick-me-up. Thanks to soy peptides, red tea extract, and the teensiest pinch of shimmer, GOLDFADEN MD Bright Eyes Dark Circle Radiance Concentrate will depuff and perk up tired eyes faster than you can make your morning cup of joe.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

“This year might be a bit challenging for you, but close, intimate relationships will be blessed. There are no heavy hitting planets hanging out in your sign this year, which could make you feel like the spotlight never points to you in 2021. It’s definitely not a bad thing, but if you’re like most Leos, it might be hard to not be centerstage at the forefront of all the action this year. You can learn to steal the show in other ways. Use this as an opportunity to recalibrate and reset your sights on what is truly important to you. You may find that you’ve placed your eggs in a basket that has holes or you simply want a new one.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Nothing will dull your shine! Consider highlighter your holy grail. 

OFRA COSMETICS Highlighter in Retrograde

Did someone say shine? The two-in-one OFRA COSMETICS Highlighter in Retrograde features an otherworldly duo of warm ivory and icy lavender tones, so you can glow in whatever way your mood wants to.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

“Things are going to change for the better, dear Virgo! Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is in and out of your sign this year, making any positive efforts you put forth practically infused with fairy dust. You have some unique potential blessings shining on new beginnings this year (think: new phases in established relationships, home improvement, promotions). It’s important to emphasize that while you’re expanding this year, you still need to work on the foundation and core--and the most essential piece is your health. You might need to continually remind yourself to stay grounded this year.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Stray from the understated looks you love and experiment. 

COVER FX Shimmer Veil in Celestial

This might be your sign to let your go-to neutral palette take a breather and try something new. COVER FX Shimmer Veil in Celestial is a luxurious cream shadow with a pearl-hued shimmer. Dab a bit into inner corners or swipe all over your lids—either way, you’ll look fab.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

“Hone your craft this year, beautiful Libra! You’re gifted with extra potent creativity throughout 2021, thanks to your ruling planet, Venus. The first half of the year will bring lots of time for you to learn new things about your chosen creative area. If you’re not naturally compelled to start a new project, you might want to consider picking up a crafty project, especially toward the middle of the year. You have the Midas touch and often indulge in the gift of gab, but this year you might wanna think about monetizing your skills!”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Go with the flow and let your looks change with your moods.

GLOW RECIPE Watermelon Glow Lip Pop

You are a creative powerhouse, so this unique formula from GLOW RECIPE will be a match made in heaven. The Watermelon Glow Lip Pop is a no-rinse exfoliator *and* hydrating pop of pink with smoothing AHAs and watermelon extract. A product so perfect for you, we’re convinced a Libra invented it.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

“You’re likely to find yourself at the helm of a new professional endeavor, and if you’re not completely in charge, you’re at least playing a major part in some big decisions. This year, it would be wise for you to put forth some extra effort into your career and passion projects. This is a movement year for you, and if you play your cards right, by the end of the year, it’ll be smooth sailing into your dreams. Let go of the past and who you once dreamed about being. You’re in the perfect place right now and all you have to do is let yourself shift and grow with changing times.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Opt for something totally new. Dare we suggest pink?

HUDA BEAUTY Obsessions Palette in Mauve

If you’re going to put down the black liner, we know it’s gotta be worth it—and we wouldn’t suggest anything but the best for you, Scorpio. The HUDA BEAUTY Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette in Mauve brings you pro-quality pigments and rosy shades that just might make you a color convery for life.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

“Jupiter will be retrograde from June to October, causing you to feel repressed or stifled at different points throughout the year. It’s an illusion, though. Trust that things are continuing to move forward and you are still expanding. This is true even when it feels like nothing is happening fast enough for you to monitor the growth. Once spring rolls around, you’ll be feeling better, so it’s important to remember that you don’t always have to be ~doing something~ to still be growing. A lot of things will feel out of your control, and maybe that’s truly a relief rather than a restraint.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Don’t be afraid to have the loudest look in the room.

PRETTY WOMAN Nail Polish in Ride or Sky

If you can’t hop in a car for a cross-country road trip at the drop of a hat, give yourself an adventurous mani to satisfy the craving. PRETTY WOMAN Nail Polish in Ride or Sky will remind you of the wide open spaces you love every time you glance at your hands.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

“Listen, we know you really hate it when you can’t predict or control what’s going to happen, so the past year has been majorly challenging for you. You’ll have more clarity earlier in the month, and that will help drive you forward. If you start the year off feeling testy and tested, don’t worry; there are several positive aspects hitting your sign this year. Communication will get easier and so will being assertive without being aggressive. This year is one of feeling misunderstood for you, because it’s hard to find other people who speak your language and subscribe to your brand of tenacity. Don’t listen to the naysayers.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

When trying new trends and colors, stay true to you.

ITEM BEAUTY Air Hug Concealer

As a sign of order and routine, we know it’s important to have a product that works just as hard as you do. ITEM BEAUTY Air Hug Concealer covers up hyperpigmentation, redness, and circles without ever creasing, caking, or fading—oh, and it’s so lightweight you’ll barely know it’s there. Yeah, we think you’ll be impressed.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

“This will be the year that the metaphorical house you’ve been building will start to resemble a home. If you’ve done some legwork the past few years, your life ought to start to look really different right now than it did this time last year. Pay extra attention to the details this year, because finances and obligations could be placed under pressure. It’s all too easy to get distracted or find yourself falling out of the routines that matter most to you. Don’t let the things that make you feel good about yourself fall by the wayside. Wash your face everyday and keep taking your vitamins.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Keep your routines simple and steady. Less is more. 

KINSHIP Naked Papaya Gentle Enzyme Face Cleanser

From the wise words of skincare experts everywhere, the most important routine is the one you can stick to—so you might as well pick products you’ll enjoy using. KINSHIP’s Naked Papaya Gentle Enzyme Face Cleanser is gentle, effective, and features a satisfying smoothie-like texture that’ll make every cleanse sesh feel like a spa day.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

“You yourself are strange and unusual, dear Pisces, but this year you’ll find yourself attracting odd opportunities, out of this world meetings, and unexpected second or third chances. You’re really feeling the need to be yourself and eschew any habits that have made you feel like less of an individual in the world. If you’ve been going with the flow and just accepting the status quo, this is the year that will change for you. We predict lots of last minute chances to really put yourself out there and be seen, so it’ll be good to be completely put together in a snap. Get your routine down to a science and perfect the art of doing your makeup in 5 minutes flat from the dashboard of your car.”

Your Beauty Resolution:

Embrace your uniqueness and let those quirks be cute!

LARUCE BEAUTY Cheek & Eyes Brush Set in Denim Blue

An artist needs their tools—and the beauty-loving Pisces needs makeup brushes that’ll bring their visions to life in a snap. Mix and match the LARUCE BEAUTY Cheek & Eyes Brush Set with your favorite liquid, cream, and powder products to complete your entire makeup look—from foundation to finishing touches.

Want in on all the IPSY Glam Bag fun? Take our Beauty Quiz now to get started. Already an Ipster? Refer your friends to earn points, which you can use toward products. Either way, don’t forget to check us out on Instagram and Twitter @IPSY.

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About the author
Hannah Cassidy
Hannah is a beauty editor at IPSY and has been creating content for fashion, beauty, and wellness in Los Angeles for over five years. Outside of the beauty world, she’s an avid vintage collector and dog mom to Pumpkin and Turtle.
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Article Last Updated December 31, 2020 12:00 AM